Time: 30 minutes | Portion: for 2 people

What You'll Need / Bahan-Bahan

Tofu & sauce
1 tofu
1 cucumber, julienned
30g bean sprouts
10g gula Melaka
3 birds-eye chillies
1 small clove garlic
170ml sweet soya sauce
2 tbsp vinegar
50g ground nuts, fried and finely pounded

1 cup cooked BlackBerry rice
Tofu and sauce
1 avocado, cut into cubes
1 spring onion
1 cucumber, finely sliced
1 carrot, finely sliced
Lime wedge, to serve

Tauhu & sos
1 biji tauhu
1 biji timun
30g taugeh
10g gula Melaka
3 biji cili padi
1 ulas kecil bawang putih
170ml kicap manis
2 sudu besar cuka
50g kacang tanah, digoreng dan
ditumbuk halus

1 cawan besar beras BlackBerry, dimasak
Tauhu dan sos
1 biji avokado, dipotong dadu
1 daun bawang
1 biji timun, dipotong halus
1 biji lobak merah, dipotong halus
3-4 keping kulit popia digoreng
Hirisan limau sebagai hiasan hidangan

Here's How / Cara-Cara

Tofu & sauce

  1. Mix all ingredients for sauce.
  2. Deep-fry tofu and put bean sprouts through hot water.
  3. Assemble deep-fried tofu and top with cucumber and bean sprouts.
  4. Pour mixed sauce over when tofu is still hot.


  1. Toss together avocado, spring onion, and cooked BlackBerry rice.
  2. Serve over tofu and sauce.

Tauhu & sos

  1. Campur kesemua bahan untuk membuat sos.
  2. Goreng tauhu.
  3. Celur taugeh dalam air panas.
  4. Potong timun (panjang-panjang).
  5. Hidangkan tauhu goreng dan letakkan taugeh di atas tauhu dengan hirisan timun.
  6. Tuang sos campur di atas tauhu (digalakkan untuk letak sos apabila tauhu masih panas).


  1. Toskan avokado, daun bawang, dan beras BlackBerry yang telah dimasak.
  2. Hidang bersama tauhu dan sos.
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Additional info:
Jasmine BlackBerry – known as the ‘forbidden rice’ because it was only consumed by emperors, this rice variant has a deep nutty flavour. Great paired with any dish, it’s also a good source of protein, amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Recipe by, in collaboration with